Chapter 2592 A Tempting Cock On Vacation:>>Ep85
- "Technically, Dr. Govind is a plastic surgeon, but over the past few years, he has emerged as the premier penis enlargement specialist in Los Angeles. You can imagine the number of wealthy pricks in LA and Hollywood that want to be an even bigger prick." Sue laughed, pleased with her own wit.
- Now she really had Beth's full attention. "Wow, that does sound like a fun work place. So what do you do again......exactly?"
- Sue sat up, her breasts straining pleasantly against her relatively tiny bikini top. "Well, like I said, I mostly take blood pressure, temperature and so forth. But my main job, and while I won't put this on my resume, I do realize that I get paid quite a bit more than more educated nurses, is to look a little sexy, flirt just a little with the male patients, and subtly encourage them to let Dr. Govind help them achieve their full potential as men, if you follow my drift.'